“Pain Free SECRETS”

What “THEY” don’t want you to know

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pain free secrets book

Orthotics (Shoe Inserts)

Orthotics are simply a crutch. They will artificially force your feet into a position, which will then force your hip and knee joints to adjust into an even more compromised position, and trouble will slowly but surely come your way.

Placing an orthotic device into your shoes cannot correct a pelvic disparity or pronation and supination of your feet. Although you may feel better initially and it may stop your foot pain, it is a “one step forward, three steps back” scenario. Your body will get confused and begin to develop an avalanche of other compensations. It may take months, or even years, for these other compensations to wreak havoc, but it will come, often disguised as yet another pain or injury.

You cannot fool this miraculous design we call the human body. Orthotics are something of a scam when ordered by chiropractors, but they are simply bad medicine when prescribed by podiatrists. While chiropractors are trained to understand proper skeletal position and the consequences of poor skeletal position, that training also means they know orthotics ultimately won’t work. This part of their business can earn them an additional $150,000 a year, but it will not truly correct your elevated and rotated hip position or the pronation and supination of the feet.

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