Maintaining Balance
Let’s talk about balance
I have seen many Trainers working with their clients in an attempt to improve their balance. They have them standing on air-filled doughnuts, balance boards, Bosu Balls, and all kinds of props trying to create balance. I assure you that these activities do nothing to create good balance in the body. It is actually just learning a circus trick. Having trouble with your balance? Contact us today!
The only way to create good balance is to re-align the skeleton and strengthen the deep structural muscles, especially around the pelvis, spine, shoulders, and hip joints. This will automatically create good balance in the body.
I have asked new clients of mine, that have worked with Traditional trainers for years using these balance training props, to stand on one leg with a locked knee position ( perfectly straight) and the opposite leg held up in a 90° angle, and they can’t do it! What good did all that training do. That’s right, it did nothing to create true organic balance in the body.
I have found that most people can’t even stand on one leg at a time, yet, when you are walking you are on one leg at a time and certainly when you are running you are definitely on one leg at a time. This gets extremely important to the elderly population as simple falls can cause broken pelvises and even death. Traditional training will not solve this problem but Anatomical Therapy TM will help every time.
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