
Scoliosis in the spine is a major problem that we must address. Scoliosis is an unnatural spine position in which the spine curves left to right. It usually will also have a twist to a certain degree, which further increases the poor spine position. This condition usually starts to develop just before puberty, and if left untreated, can develop into a chronic pain condition. If you have scoliosis and are in pain, come in for a consultation so we can evaluate your condition.

What Scoliosis Untreated Can Do

Scoliosis left untreated can create a severe deformity. I believe this condition is caused when the muscles of the back develop faster on one side or the other. No one seems to know why this would happen, but it really doesn’t matter. What matters is that the muscles tell the bones what to do. So even with scoliosis, the secret is to work with the deep structural muscles and rebalance them to greatly reduce the curve and the twist of the spine. We have worked with hundreds of scoliosis patients. Contact us today!

Traditional Orthopedic care for this condition consists of placing the child in a brace or, the more drastic choice of extensive fusion surgery in the spine. It is embarrassing to think that with all the medical technology we have, these two choices are the best we can do for someone with scoliosis.

However, every single scoliosis case that has ever come into my clinic, from teenagers to adults in their seventies, has absolutely gotten rid of their back pain. Yes, every time! They also typically leave with other benefits such as leveled shoulders and pelvic position.

Tim, a sixteen-year-old client, had a four-inch shoulder disparity and a four-inch hip disparity due to his scoliosis. In just a few weeks, I completely leveled out his hips and shoulders. Tim had a follow-up visit with his Orthopedic Surgeon who previously wanted to put him in a brace. I encouraged him to tell the doctor about what we did and how he worked with me to make such drastic changes in his body. My hope was that the surgeon would see the results and determine me as a resource for other young scoliosis cases. Well, Tim did tell the surgeon, but I never heard from him! He never called to ask any questions about how Tim could possibly have leveled out the hips and shoulders, which I guarantee he has never seen before.

While some surgeons might be doing their best, we must consider other (more effective) treatments than merely drugs or surgery. Most surgeons are not going outside the box to look for answers and they continue with traditional regurgitated methods that are not working. As you have hopefully learned by now, to truly experience full relief from pain, you must change your body back to its blueprint. This is a deep systemic change, one that cannot be prescribed through pain medication, over the counter drugs, stretching, “core” strengthening, body work, and surgery.

“Pain Free SECRETS”

What “THEY” don’t want you to know

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